As our name suggests, we are committed to following Jesus Christ, and to living for and speaking about him in the Endcliffe area.
The great news of his death on the cross for us and his resurrection to new and eternal life are the key to life and the motivation for all we do and say.
Everything we do has the ultimate aim of trying to GLORIFY GOD in our lives.
How do we do this?
In three main ways…
Reaching out into the community, giving opportunities for those investigating the Christian faith, and making a positive contribution to people’s lives.
Building up each other in our knowledge of God, and in using the talents and resources he has given us as individuals.
Sending out men and women to serve God in their workplaces and their communities, and supporting the work of the worldwide church through our mission partners in the UK and overseas.
This is our broad vision, and remains constant from year to year.
Everything we do has the ultimate aim of trying to glorify God in our lives.
Each November we have a Vision Sunday and Partnership Sunday, where we look again at our overall aims, think about a particular focus for the year ahead, and then each respond about how we can play our part.