Studying in Sheffield?

There's a home for you here.

We think that CCE is a great church for students, and we know that having students join our family is one of the ways God really blesses and encourages us.

Our biggest hope is that our students will grow as part of the body of Christ along with the rest of the church. So we’ll encourage you to be regularly attending Sunday services, serving in different ministry teams and, if you feel you can, to join a midweek bible study and prayer group (which we call Growth Groups) made up of people from every age and stage in church.

And we’ve also got lots on specifically for you!


Most Sundays after the morning services we’ll be heading back to a local house for Bible, chat… and toast.

The Student Sessions

Once a month we’ll spend a Saturday evening together, either for a social or for teaching on our theme for the year.

This year we are going to be thinking about how the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection changes everything about singleness, dating, marriage and friendship, and what it means to love God With All Your Heart in this complicated area of life during your time at university.


If you want to meet up to study the Bible, think through a particular question, pray, or just grab a coffee and talk about life, somebody from our student team would love to join you!

Get in touch to find out more or, better still, come along to a Sunday service and we can say "Hi" in person. We're excited to meet you!
